CAVE and CAULDRON: A Weekend of Nurturing and Dreaming for Women
January 31 - 2, 2025
6pm Friday – 4:00 pm Sunday
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
EARLY BIRD TUITION (by Dec. 30, 2024)
REGULAR TUITION (after Dec. 30, 2024)
Registration Deadline JANUARY 17, 2025
January 31 - 2, 2025
6pm Friday – 4:00 pm Sunday
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
EARLY BIRD TUITION (by Dec. 30, 2024)
REGULAR TUITION (after Dec. 30, 2024)
Registration Deadline JANUARY 17, 2025
January 31 - 2, 2025
6pm Friday – 4:00 pm Sunday
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
EARLY BIRD TUITION (by Dec. 30, 2024)
REGULAR TUITION (after Dec. 30, 2024)
Registration Deadline JANUARY 17, 2025
Slow down to the pace of nature, be deeply restored, and allow your imagination the space to dream and vision what you might bring forth in the Spring.
Do you need time away from home to restore and be deeply nourished?
Does your nervous system need a big release and reset?
Are you craving space to access the ideas and creativity that are locked inside?
Does being immersed in the quiet winter forest for two days sound super alluring?
Does the wild woman of you long to drop into your depths and hear what has been brewing under the surfaces?
Do you want to nourish the seed gestating in your belly that wishes to “grow and spread its branches against a future sky?”
Does gathering with a circle of sisters in a wood-stove warmed lodge to share and dream together feel yummy?
Come spend Imbolc weekend in the Womb-Cave to nest and rest, and simmer in the Cauldron of creativity and deep dreamtime.
Imbolc — “in the belly” — marks the midway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.
Imbolc is the time marked by the very first stirrings of spring — the baby lambs growing inside the ewes, the first seeds quivering in the belly of Gaia. In these Northern Woodlands, however, we are still in the depths of Winter, knowing that regardless of whether the groundhog sees her shadow or not, we still have at least six weeks of winter.
While the culture expects us to keep going at full speed during the cold months, when we tune into Earth’s pace, we find that the rhythm has slowed, animals are conserving energy and holing up in their dens, the trees are dormant, the land is quiet. Everyone is resting, dreaming, and incubating seeds for the coming of Spring.
The Deeply Nourishing Objectives of this weekend are three-fold:
1—Resting, nesting, and incubating, clearing
2—Dreaming, visioning and imagining
3--Gathering in sisterhood and celebrating our lives
Friday— into the Cave
⇢ Opening ceremony and personal altar and intention setting
Saturday—the Nurturing North
We will enter the North of the four directions wheel, and sink into the nourishing, quietness of the winter and the wisdom of the Earth. There, we will create our own sumptuous nests (with pillows and comforters and sheep skins each woman brings) and rest by the wood stove and be held in the arms of Grandmother Winter (known to some as the Caillech—the winter crone) through:
Opening ceremony and personal altar and intention setting
Long journeying into the heart of Earth to be held, heard, cared for, unconditionally loved, supported and restored
Slow and praiseful wanders in the forest, in conversation with the Sacred Others
Wisdom Council to share stories
Working with Oracle cards to deepen
Evening ceremony to clear out old stagnant energy and begin to invoke the new dreams and visions
Sunday—The Dreaming West
We will work closely with our West facet to draw closer to our Muse, our dreams, our deep imagination to tune into what is incubating within.
Morning Council
Embodied movement and dance to deeply inspiring music to thaw the body
Deep imagination work to access our Muse
Inspiration wander in the forest
Working with soul images to see what is incubating
Creation of poetry and simple art to clarify and call forth our visions
Closing Ceremony of going forth, restored, renewed and full of inspiration
Come having eaten supper on Friday. Bring your own lunches and Sunday breakfast. We will be sharing a ceremonial, Imbolc-themed potluck meal on Saturday night. Think warm, nourishing, delicious, restorative dishes. Classic Imbolc feasts include dairy, oats, cakes, bread, honey, root vegetables, berries, potato or other creamy soups, rice pudding, spiced wine. Traditional herbs include bay leaves, rosemary, rose hips, evergreens and willow, angelica, dill, cloves.
Coffee and tea will be provided all weekend long. You will have access to our indoor kitchen and a guest refrigerator. Please bring breakfasts and lunches that don’t need to be heated. as we will not have time for extensive prep and cooking. Spirit Hollow does NOT have a microwave.
Spirit Hollow is a rustic retreat. Lodging is slumber-party style in both of our yurts (bringing your own bedding and padding. This is a shared space, so if you need more privacy, we suggest you book a room nearby or stay in your own tent). No showers are available in the winter. We have four outhouses for your use.
A What-to-Bring list will be sent upon registration.
There are plenty of inns and Airbnbs for staying in the area.
We recommend all of the following hotels/motels/inns, all within 20 minutes of Spirit Hollow:
Harwood Hill Motel, Route 7A, 802-442-6278
Governor’s Rock Motel, Route 7A, Shaftsbury, 802-442-4734
Serenity Motel, Route 7A, Shaftsbury, 802-442-6490 (closed in winter months)
Henry House Inn, Route 7A, N. Bennington, (802) 442-7045
Eddington House, A Village Inn in North Bennington, 802-442-1511
early bird (December 30, 2024) $295 Paid upon registration.
Regular Tuition (after December 30th) = $345
Please email Tracey if you need a different payment option.
Please fill out this registration form.
Open to all women and femmes ages 18 +
Space is limited, so don’t hesitate to register!
Kimber Wattendorf (Northstar)
has spent her life seeking the mystical cloaked in the mundane, the spiritual concealed within the secular. As a child she had aspirations of joining the priesthood of her Roman Catholic upbringing, but despite her penchant for transubstantiating Ritz crackers and absolving her stuffed animals of their sins, certain accidents of birth in the form of improper plumbing barred that course of action. Thus she embarked on a roundabout journey back to Source that took her from the parking lots of Grateful Dead shows to Zen monasteries, rock shows to gem shows, dive bars to crystalline mountain summits. As T.S. Elliot enjoined, she “never ceased from exploration, and at the end of all her exploring was to arrive where she started and know the place for the first time.”
All her wandering eventually led to Spirit Hollow, where she finally found Here, on the Land, the divinity she had been so desperately seeking Elsewhere, down endless labyrinthine American highways of night. Through the Seeing with the Heart Apprenticeship, under the tutelage of the incredible beings, human and more than human, who steward this sacred place, Northstar finally found her calling and her medicine. Now, as a yogi, a shamanic healer, a daughter of Gaia and a priestess of the Goddess, Northstar is deeply committed to assisting our young ones who are also adrift in the darkness of our times to find their own direction Home.
Her life’s mission is to be a navigator of soul, and she is dedicated to holding space and shining light that lost boys and lost girls of all ages might chart their course back to loving, regenerative relationship with Nature, with Community, with Mystery, and with Self.
Tracey Forest (KeyTurner)
is passionate about helping others step through the doorway into the mystical and the mythical, the sacred and the sublime, the earthy and the erotic, the dark depths and high heights. She is a fearless and compassionate facilitator who has “been to the mountain” and descended into the abyss to lament for the earth, to celebrate the beauty and pain and who knows the rich gifts that lie in the dark to be mined. She stands in the portal, holding a lantern, singing ancient songs, dangling a key, inviting you to step through into the vast landscape of your Soul.
As a soul midwife she is committed to helping people cross from the old world to the yet-to-be-revealed one, with owl wings outstretched across Deep Time, across millennia, born with a broken-open heart, tapped into the magma in the Earth’s core, singing and making the lament beautiful.
Co-founding Director of Spirit Hollow, Tracey is a shamanic healer and teacher, yoga teacher and singer of soul-stirring songs. A graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ Three-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, she has been training shamanic healers for over 20 years through the Seeing with the Heart Apprenticeship Program and running transformational immersions and camps for that time as well. With 30 years of experience guiding others, she has been studying with Bill Plotkin for the last six years. She is a Certified Level 1 Wild Mind Nature-Based Underworld Guide with the Animas Valley Institute. Currently, she is in the second half of the Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) with Plotkin learning the nuances of Soul Initiation Guide and cultivating more tools to assist in the Wholing and Healing of this broken, beautiful world.